Secondary School Catering
Our Food
At the heart of what we do is our passion for great tasting, healthy, locally sourced food. The menus are driven by our customers’ feedback and our extensive experience in the education sector.
All our dishes are supported with recipes and prepared by craft trained staff. This combination creates great tasting and well-presented food options on the counters for the students.
- 75% of meals are freshly prepared
- 50% of produce is locally sourced
- All eggs are free range
- All meat satisfies UK animal welfare standards
We appreciate that each school is different. We pride ourselves on our flexibility to suit specific requirements for all our customers.
Menus and food concepts are tailored to meet the ever growing demand of education catering in secondary schools, using a combination of the food offered and the design of the eating area. Shire Services has the skill and experience to deliver ‘food our customers want to eat’. This, together with a smart and speedy service, ensures satisfaction for both students and teachers at one of the busiest times of the school day.
Our Employees
Our employees are professional, responsive and helpful, as well as fully trained and vetted. We have a team of mobile relief staff which means we do not employ agency staff.
Each employee is empowered to be flexible and ready for the challenges of a fast-paced changing environment.
What we do?
- We ensure a variety of nutritious meal deals are available every day.
- A choice of fresh vegetables and salads accompany our meals.
- We work with our suppliers to ensure we only use the best quality products and ingredients.
- The eggs we use are all free range.
- All of our fish served is Marine Stewardship Certified.
- Our recipe and menu development process demonstrates our commitment to reduce the use of saturated fats, sugar and salt.
- Shire Services embraces the expectation for a ‘Full Dining Experience’ and to deliver this by creating food courts within school dining areas. This offers a range of healthy high street concept menus, which reflect the food on offer in the high street and ensures satisfaction of both students and head teachers.